Wood Branding Irons

  • To start a no-deposit order, Click the button below on this page or call or text us at 416-543-2512. You will need provide your Name, Phone Number and Shipping Address as well as your artwork or design sketch.

    Payment is done, only after the product has been built and tested to your satisfaction.

    Payment can be done over the phone or through our online store via Credit Card or e-transfer.

    We request payment the same, or next day at the latest and that those placing the order, have the funds set aside to complete the order promptly upon completion.

  • Payment can be done through credit card or e-transfer when the product is ready.

    There is no deposit required, however payment is expected immediately upon receiving test results if you are satisfied with the results.

    If payment is not received in a timely manner, the order will be cancelled and the materials will be recycled.

  • Shipping is done using Canada Post or UPS and Includes Tracking and Insurance). It is a flat rate of $14.95 in Ontario and $19.95 anywhere in Canada. Shipping in the US is a flat rate of $12USD

  • We offer a free logo design service with the purchase of a branding iron.

    This service requires that customers provide a detailed sketch showing placement of the design elements and a description of the type of fonts, i.e. Cursive, Heavy Weight, Serif… etc.

    The service includes up to 3 modifications of the same design.

  • Typically light weight elements on your design perform better when branding.

    Logos that have multiple overlapping colours may not be suitable for branding or will require modification.

    If you are submitting a design from your graphic designer, ask for a vector file saved from the original software (not converted). This could be SVG, EPS or AI. Ask your designer to expand all objects including text before saving.

    If you already have a logo and it needs to be modified, this will be taken care of free of charge with your purchase. Generally this service will add about 3-5 days to the overall process

  • Start by heating your branding iron using a propane, butane, or MAP torch. Never leave the torch unattended while heating.

    An average sized brand (1.5”) will take approximately 4-5 minutes to heat. Test periodically using a scrap piece of wood similar to the one you will be branding.

    Using only the wood handle once heated, apply the face of the brand to the workpiece.

    Ensure the brand is sitting square to the workpiece to avoid the edge from unintentionally marking the workpieced. Remove the brand after approximately 2-3 seconds.

    To avoid a “Burn Shadow”, spray your workpiece with water prior to branding and avoid overheating your brand.

  • All of our Branding Irons are made in Ontario Canada, just north of Toronto with our unique manufacturing Process.

    We start by Stress Relieving a Solid Block of Premium Grade C36000 Brass alloy known for superior machineability. This is done to prevent warping during the machining operation as well as later down the road from repeated use.

    We perform “Parallel Face Milling” in the same clamping setup prior to engraving. This process ensures the engraving plane is parallel to the workpiece surface, creating unmatched accuracy and detail of even the smallest letters.

    We offer both Standard and Electric Plug-in Options for your branding iron.

    The Brand Head is drilled and tapped and connected to the wood handle via a M8 Stainless Steel connecting rod and fastened the opposite side to a hardwood finished handle using serrated flange nuts.

    Our Brass Branding Irons are made using a thicker 5/8” brass block than many other manufacturers, which is engraved to a depth of 0.089”. This added mass serves to retain heat better than thinner models popular online.

    It also serves to give a more stable temperature, where many consistent brands can be given before recharging the heat with a torch.

  • To reduce shipping costs, certain sizes of brands may require assembly.

    Assembly can be done easily by hand with an adjustable wrench.

    If you would prefer to have your branding iron already assembled upon delivery, please request for this.

  • After even a single use, the brass branding irons will loose it’s original shiny appearance. This is normal and is cosmetic only and will not affect the performance.

    For the most part, branding irons are self cleaning as most build up is burned off between uses due to the extreme heat.

    After repeated use, if you find the brand building up a dark deposit it may be cleaned using household stove cleaner and allowing to sit to loosen the deposit.

    Do not use brass or steel wire brushes to clean. Take care while cleaning to avoid damage to the delicate features of the artwork.

    Do not attempt to sand or level the face of the artwork with a stone or sandpaper.

  • Branding Irons can be extremely dangerous and improper use could lead to serious injury and cause fire

    Use only soap and water for cleaning food grade branding irons. Never leave a branding iron unattended while heating

    Ensure you have a fire extinguisher near by before using

    Rest branding iron on a safe surface to cool down after use or between uses. Surfaces may include large cast iron tops, concrete pavers or other concrete blocks.

    Do not leave a branding iron unattended unless and until you know it has cooled sufficiently for safe handling without risk of injury.

    Ensure the branding head and handle are secure prior to use. It is possible for the head to come loose with repeated use causing injury.

  • Both woods will brand equally well, but as you can imagine, Softwoods will brand faster and at a lower temperature than hardwoods

    Softwoods are often more forgiving than hardwoods when branding, especially if the wood is not totally flat.

    the sharp details of the brand artwork will press more easily into softer woods, even if not totally flat.

    Hardwoods may require a very slight rocking of the iron up/down and left/right to ensure all elements of the brand transfer.

  • End grain of hardwoods will brand exceptionally well, but be mindful that the brand may stick to the workpiece when lifting.

    Ensure the workpiece is clamped down or sufficiently heavy that it breaks the bond when pulling away.

    1. Spray water before branding

    2. Brand your work before finishing

    3. Sand your mark after branding if too dark

    4. Have a scrap piece of the same wood handy for testing before branding

    5. Try longer brand times at lower temperatures to avoid “Burn Shadow”

    6. Clean your branding head regularly from any buildup

    7. Apply a gentle an slight rocking motion to ensure all elements of the brand transfer fully

  • Stovetop Burner

    A less known, but very effective technique for heating larger brands, this method offers the benefit of temperature control and a larger heating contact area. Portable single burner plug-in Ranges can be purchased online and in kitchen stores

    Gas & Torch

    There are essentially 3 different gases on the market that can be used with a standard torch head.

    1. Camping Gas and Butane Gas: This is the cheapest gas with the lowest burning temperature of about 2400 F and it will likely take the longest to heat your branding iron. This gas is recommended for very delicate aluminum branding irons, to prevent risk of damage.

    2. Propane - (Blue Tank): This is the preferred type of gas for Aluminum and Brass Branding Irons as it will heat most brands in only 3-5 minutes. When heating aluminum, be sure not to overheat with the torch by checking periodically with scrap wood.

    3. MAP Gas burns slightly hotter at 3,730F compared to propane at 3600 F. MAP gas is more expensive an offers little advantage over propane.

  • Start by reading all safety Instructions Included.

    Place your electric branding iron on the stand provided with the head of the branding iron elevated off the work table, allowing 30 minutes to reach steady state temperature.

    It’s crucial that the head of the brand is not in contact with any surface while heating that may draw the heat away.

    Ensure the wood you are branding is completely flat. Over sanding, may cause dishing in an area, preventing the branding iron from making full contact with the surface.

Regrets buying a Cheap Branding Iron

3 Key Factors in Choosing the Right Branding Iron